Says Who!

Tired of settling where you are, but afraid what if anything is next for you ? Stuck and feeling like you will never get out? Feeling like you keep doing it all and it is never enough or gets you where you thought you would be? Tired of doing everything for everyone and wondering when you will have any time for you? Feeling like there must be more to life than this? 

It is time for You to be You. You do not need to wait any longer, you deserve it all: happiness, peace, freedom, joy, play, fun….

It’s time to wake up to what is really possible and dare to be more:  More high vibe, fully alive, lit up you.

Living the life you want, instead of what others wanted you to do.

What if paradise was no longer a place you only went to on vacation, but a place that lived inside you always no matter where you were, no matter what the circumstances outside you were? 

Says Who! Is a light-hearted book of rhyming inspirational messages written through the lens of Shami, the amazing cockapoo. The short, fun rhyming sections help kids and even adults to stop buying into our limiting beliefs that are reinforced by all of the outside noise from our world. It’s a fun way to shift thoughts to create a more empowered life experience! 

No longer settling to play small, playing large and in charge of you (because that is all you control and have to worry about)

Says Who? is a way for people to see the world and life differently: from a place filled with choice, and infinite possibility as they tap into their true power and realize that going outside their comfort zone is not so scary, and in fact, can make life more exciting. Shami helps you to see how life is much simpler than we make it, and when we do the simple steps, our fears of playing larger leave. 

This time the answer is not in your head. 

 It is in your soul and heart, and you cannot do it alone or you already would have. It is not found in information, or you would have found it.  It is found in transformation: Simple fun shifts that SAYS WHO will bring to you and your life. 

My mission is to help people wake up to a fully alive engaged life, see the world they want to live in, and create it for themselves.

It is about helping people to see that they have everything they need to be who they are in life, already inside them. 

It has just been covered by conditioning and falls aways as we clear the lens off. 
If is to help them see that life shifts when they wake up to a whole new way about thinking about it. 

Everything on the outside shifts as well as they create a new reality for themselves. 
Circumstances still happen, it is not always rose colored glasses, but it is always to be experienced and be ok.

 It is being able to dance with life, instead of trying to fit into what we think life requires us to be, or control the dance. 

Order yours today!